Author Archives: opadmin

Boston Globe: With a certified home watcher, you’re sitting pretty on vacation

The Boston Globe reported this past May that certified Home Watchers, like our experts here at House Watchers based in Winchester MA, give you peace of mind while your on vacation. “With a certified home watcher, you’re sitting pretty on vacation. They inspect both the inside and outside of a house to check for leaks,… Continue Reading →

Your neighbor, forever helpful!

Let’s talk about your neighbor. Huh? Your neighbor, ya’ know, the one that checks on your place when you are out of town. Nice guy, but is he insured to check on your house? It’s a lot to ask of someone, whether you know it or not. I mean, what if he misses something, or… Continue Reading →

Taking care of your loved ones!

Add an extra level of security and comfort. A great gift for a loved one. Do you have an elderly family member at home alone? This is a great way to keep an eye on things when you can’t be there. 508-472-7926

Another Noreaster!

Let us be your eyes and ears during this challenging time. Have an unoccupied home and can’t check on things? Elderly parents with no one to check on the house? Snowbirds enjoying the sun down South? Give us a call 508-472-7926 or tell us how to contact you.