Your neighbor, forever helpful!

Let’s talk about your neighbor. Huh? Your neighbor, ya’ know, the one that checks on your place when you are out of town. Nice guy, but is he insured to check on your house? It’s a lot to ask of someone, whether you know it or not. I mean, what if he misses something, or he makes a mistake and does something wrong? No, not on purpose, but something dumb happens, and that leads to a bigger problem. Sure he feels bad about it, but what are you going to do…yell at him? He’s your neighbor, and he was doing you a favor. What if a storm is on the way, or a break-in happens? Another consideration: your privacy. Do you really want a neighbor to have total access to your private things?

These are all great reasons to hire an accredited Home Watch company. Accreditation in the National Home Watch Association guarantees the client that they are protected by insurance, bonding and of course, privacy. Check out our Member search, and if you don’t see a Member in your area, ask your local guys why they aren’t accredited.

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